1st Cape Town Free Chapter


(Article below kindly borrowed from the Facebook post by Lisa...)

The FCCT headed off Harleydale last weekend. The previous 2 had been sunny winter weekends,  but most bikes were left at home this year as sanity prevailed.... Level 8 storms forecast Cape Town side! And WILD🌬🌫☔💧 the weather was, but once we got past the🌊 inland Sea of Worcester🌊, things started to brighten and  Montagu was chilly,  but clear for our mandatory stop at Riana Delport for the night,  but first a beer at R62 Brewing Co. 🍻  

Luckily no rain forecast for Fri, Sat and Sun for the Klein Karoo,  so Mike Scholtz and Riana were the token two FCCT members on bikes! Brekkie stop at Guano Caves and then off to Barrydale...  

The rest of Friday.... lovely vintage accommodation at The Whitehouse,  drinks at Diesel & Crème , the arvey with the rest of the Chapter at the rally site at Karoo Art Hotel , dancing on tables, fab DJ remixes, supper at Karoo Daisy , and a shortened party evening back at the rally site for us due to someone misplacing his cell  🙄, which resulted in backtracking thru town on foot to try find it! Alas!🤷🏼‍♀️   Saturday....phone found for starters🙏🏻! 

Whilst the few on bikes did the "mass" ride  from Karoo Saloon, our crowd had a relaxing day pottering around town on foot (sorry about those upward slopes Riana!🤣)... morning market for coffee and pancakes and best ever cheese straw find from Kaashaasie👌🏻, vintage stores,  beer tastings at The Makers Brew , a pop in at the Barrydale Hand Weavers , new shop and restaurant finds, back to the hotel for The Boks vs Ireland 🇿🇦❤and a delish meal at Mez Karoo Kitchen !  

Sunday brought clear skies(and head 😃 - lesson learnt from last year 😖), sunshine , rainbows, wind,  zero visibility AND rain between Barrydale  and home so we got all seasons 🌞🌈🌫🌬💧- Most were actually glad to be in the car and not on their bikes!   Fun weekend,  pretty chilled this year! 😎

Vintage Motor Cycle Museum – Breakfast Ride 7 July 2024

REFLECTION ON THE “UBER STORM” – From the pen of Malcolm Lourens

Some sixteen or so FCCT Chapter members “braced” themselves as they chanced the widely advertised storm that was going to hit Cape Town and surrounding areas! With this in mind it was decided to go by “Cage”. The venue, tucked away in the Sir Lowry’s Pass Village, was yet another well-chosen venue by our illustrious Events Team. The Vintage Motorcycle Museum was very interesting with Motorcycles that were all restored by the grandfather who started the museum some years ago. The venue is well worth a visit! The food was good, I would say the burger and chips is probably the best value for money, for the hungry! It was good to see Armelle back from France and also to see Eben and Marlize again. Kudos to the organisers!

Birthday Bash 22 June 2024 – Angora Stud Farm

As the 1st Free Chapter, the Cape Town Free Chapter had the privilege to celebrate our 12th birthday this year… and wow, did we do it in style! The Angora Stud Farm is a unique venue, nestled in the mountains and pastures surrounding the picturesque town of Bonnievale. Our hosts,  the ever elegant Rozitha and her husband Bertus, made our stay very special with the bedrooms all located in stylishly converted stables and the dinner event hosted in the Classic Car Museum amongst the priceless collection of Mercedes and other vintage cars.

Dinner was preceded by a leisurely afternoon sipping wine and beer, watching the Springboks win their game and just generally having a great time with friends. The weather was perfect and the ride to the venue well supported by over twenty bikes (and yes, trikes too) The coffee stop at Bon Courage allowed us to warm ourselves a bit in from of the welcoming fireplace and fortify or frozen innards with hot some chocolate, coffee and sherry.

Lynn also coordinated a charity handover to the Irene Coetzee Pre-primary School as well as the BOSS Autism Care Centre and we thank the Chapter Members and the Route 62 Rally Committee for their generous contributions to these two worthy causes.

Breakfast Ride to Wellington - 9 June 2024

Contribution below from Mandy Trollip... Thanks Mandy.

"How lucky are we to live so close to so much beauty. Today's ride took us through the beautiful farmlands of Agter Paarl to Wellington. The start was chilly but with bright blue skies and the day warmed up significantly by the time we'd finished breakfast. We managed to lose Both Bruce and our way out but with a quick fix to Bruce's bike and a scenic detour we all made it to the excellent Stone Kitchen. A very good choice of restaurant. Set in guava orchards on a wine farm with big windows overlooking the maintains it was absolutely gorgeous. Dry blue sky winter days in Cape Town are a gift. There is a great Norwegian saying - There is no bad weather, just bad clothing so layer up for the next ride. It was a great way to start the day"

Bot River Lunch Ride - 26 May 2024

What a perfect day it was for a ride. The one thing about the Cape winters... when its miserable it is truly miserable but in between these cold fronts, we are blessed with the finest weather in the country! It was thus not surprising to have such a large turnout for this lunch ride and with 20 bikes (well, technically some of them were trikes), we set off from the N2 Engen for our first stop at the Elgin Railway Market. The nice coffee being served there was most welcome and we were even treated to a steam train arrival. Then it was off to our lunch destination, the old but very charming Bot River Hotel. Although the service was a bit slow, the food was not bad at all. And as always, the company was great! All in all... a memorable day. Thanks Glynda and the Marshalls.

Breakfast Ride to Hout Bay – 12 May 2024   

Our early morning ride started at our meeting hangout (Hellenic Club) in near perfect weather… just a little bit of wind but hey, this is Cape Town! As usual, the ride via Camps Bay did not disappoint. We are truly blessed to life in a country and city with such spectacular scenery and roads. All too soon, the ride was over as we arrived at our destination, the Deus restaurant. Being Mother’s Day, the venue was quite full but the place is huge and we were allocated lekker seating outside in a protected courtyard. Being so full, the service was understandably a bit slow but being with friends and good company, we did not mind the wait. The food itself was really nice and nicely presented. We also had a surprise ‘hanger-on’ in the form of ‘Mad Mike’ that did the ride with us – welcome to him. Too soon the morning was over and we all made our way home to go and honour our mothers and wives – till next time, ride safe!

Lunch Ride to Riebeeck Kasteel - 28 April 2024

(Article provided by Kevin)

Our Chapter lunch ride to Riebeeck Kasteel, we rode via Wellington and Hermon. The Free Chapter riders met at the Winelands N1 Engen garage. We all exchanged greetings and spent some time catching up whilst waiting for a few late arrivals.

We headed off at 10 :30 as per the plan down the N1 via the R44 towards Wellington. We were a small group of riders with two Marshalls (Ivor and Leon) and Bob as the default sweeper. Bob had Patsy for pillion so not sure if Bags was proud of his lovely wife or a bit jealous of Big Bob …the writer detected some mixed emotions .

The Kriels rode their cage and the Free Chapter generously covered the coffee bill for all the riders and pillions when we made a pit stop at the Du Vlei Padstal. That was an interesting place as it had a Trike that Kevin could ride and Malcolm has photographic evidence …….. Big Thank you to the Free Chapter for the coffees.

We all arrived safely at La Parrilla Restaurant in Riebeeck Kasteel. The hosts were great as was the service and the Latin themed food excellent. Excerpt from a review “Parrilla” literally means Grill in Spanish so expect to find some smoke and flames coming from the kitchen. We promise to bring delectable, exotic flavours to each plate we serve. Together with our passion for hospitality and unique Latin inspired flavours – we guarantee you will feel right at home…..and WE DID “An additional highlight was that Vani got her food first which is a first and maybe the tide has turned on her getting her meal last or not at all. We took a few photos that captured the lovely moments with some amazing photos, shared more banter and laughs. We then headed back home via Malmesbury with riders peeling off along the way to head to their homes. As per tradition we sent messages of gratitude to all the role players that ensure the success of our Sunday escapades, and to also indicate that we are safely home.


Our lunch group found a new meeting place which worked very well for us – the lookout point on Camps Bay Drive just below the Geneva Drive turnoff. We were 16 riders on 14 bikes with Gideon and Marianna following by car – Marianna still being on crutches after a recent hip operation. Bruce and Bernie also followed by car as Bruce’s bike is with James Mundey for repairs. Our Marshals being Road Captain Mike, and Pack Leader Ivor were supported by Marshal Leon – and how good it was to once again have the super experience of Leon shepherding us like old times.

Our route along the coast took us passed the Llandudno turnoff, through Hout Bay and a glorious ride along the beautiful Chapman’s Peak Drive – then via Scarborough to Cape Farm House & Beer Garden where we all had a scrumptious lunch. Their burgers were obviously a speciality and were enjoyed by many of us. At the lunch venue we were joined by Malcolm who had a short ride from Simonstown and Patsy who brought along her cousin.

After lunch we all headed home via what could be called the traditional route –over and down the tortuous Red Hill with its many curves (well done all especially Bags who was not too keen on this switchback hill), then Ou Kaapse Weg, Blue Route and M3 home. Very many thanks to Glynda for organising a super venue and our Marshals for taking such good care of us on our journey.

From the pen of Noel Peagam

Tulbach Ride - 10th March 2024

Sunday morning took us on a long ride to Tulbagh.  What started out as a chilly morning, eventually turned into the most perfect day for riding.   We were about 20 people visiting Kole en Deeg in Tulbagh.  A delightful local restaurant serving an Afrikaans delicatessen, roosterkoek, with almost every meal. (Traditional Roosterkoek are mini breads made with a bread dough and cooked on coals)

ROUTE 62 RALLY – 2024

As always, the Route 62 Rally did not disappoint. With perfect Three Bears weather (not too cold, not too hot…just right) all the activities could be fully enjoyed, starting with great pool party on Thursday night. As some the photos below show, we even managed to squeeze in an early evening braai with our chapter brethren from Durban, Bloem and West Rand… On a balmy Friday morning, we had a well-attended outride to Swellendam and back up the Tradouw Pass to Barrydale. This was followed  by a leisurely afternoon lounging around the heated pools, followed by the traditional pasta evening in the tent with music and friends. The mass ride on Saturday was also well supported by riders and spectators alike as the thunderous roar of a few hundred Harleys droned through the sleepy streets of Montagu town. Our very own Leon and the ‘coffee lady’ made an almost clean sweep of the Harley Games in the afternoon and then it was time for the big night. After a really nice dinner, it was time to party deep into the night. The band played really nice oldies and cover songs…and who would have thought that all the Harley toughies will dance to the songs of ABBA.

So, for those FCCT members that could not make it this year… you missed out on a fantastic weekend. But there is always next year again… In closing, a massive thanks to Bruce and the Rally Committee that managed to yet again host such a successful event. And a word of thanks to the Avalon Springs staff too… they were unbelievably helpful and friendly and made our stay an absolute joy.

1st OFFICIAL RIDE – 2024

With a great turnout (twenty-one people) for our 1st official ride for 2024 to Hermanus. With a partial overcast protecting us from the January sunlight, we had a nice, easy ride up Sir Lowrey’s Pass and with some energetic marshalling from our new marshal, Leon, we managed to weave through the heavy Sunday traffic on the N2 with ease. The Bientang's Cave Restaurant & Wine Bar offered a nice selection of seafood with a fantastic view of the bay and some sea life bat alas, no whales! The ride back also was also special via Kleinmond and Rooi Els. Despite a few short ‘stop/go’s due to flood damage, Clarens Drive did not disappoint with its spectacular views of False Bay. The Pit Stop restaurant was our final stop for the compulsory pink (or green) milkshakes. A great day out indeed!


Captains Ride 2024

 This year’s Captain’s Ride was a Potjiekos competition, held at the Simon Van Der Stel school in Wynberg. We were glad for cool weather and a light breeze for the occasion!  It was a hotly contested affair and some of the Potjies were just as hot 😊!!

We had 25 members and 7 visitors who came to support or help the various teams. The 4 teams cooking up a storm were Bob and Kevin’s team - making a bean curry and a chicken curry, Riana’s red, black and white adorned Spanish team who prepared 2 Spanish chicken pots, Bruce and Gideon’s team with two different lamb potjies as well as a dessert potjie, and Sean and Bag’s team who came up with a  bread & butter pudding potjie  with a honey and choc brittle. Tim brought along some delicious and fresh homemade breads – garlic and herb and cheese and onion!

At 1pm the pots had to be ready for tasting as well as judging by our non-biased judges (we hope) who had a hard time deciding between 2 pots and so a 3rd judge was roped in😊!

Congratulations to Bob & Kevin and his team who were the eventual winners and well done to everyone who attended and for making the day a big success!


Year-end function 2023 and reflections on the year gone by…

Another year draws to a close and as is the tradition, our Free Chapter group celebrated the year gone by through a one-nighter that is not too far for us to arrive too tired to party. The venue selected by Glynda this year was truly perfect… the white sand and azure sea made an idyllic backdrop for the Arniston Hotel that hosted us. The ride was well attended and it was a big pack with even all the trikes present that departed the N2 Engen. The ride was uneventful and pleasant with the rolling hills (unfortunately not yellow and green this time of the year), accompanied by the steady drone of our Harleys lulled us all to reflect on the year gone by. It has been a year full of ups and downs…

From a Rally perspective, Route 62 saw record attendance numbers and the Harley Dale event was also well supported by our Chapter with lots of laughter and fun… probably a bit too much fun for some, judging by the fines dished out at the party! A smaller group attended the Breede River Chapter Winter Rally and many friendships were forged while exploring the sights and attractions in Oudtshoorn. The highlight of the West Coast Rally in Saldanha Bay was undoubtedly watching the Rugby semi-final is the big tent.

On the charity front, it has also been a busy year and a special thanks to Lisa that managed despite her own health issues, to attend to all the arrangements of our charity events, most notably the R62 charity hand-over in Ashton and also the hand-over of the Christmas gifts and printer to the pre-primary school in Arniston on Sunday.

The year-end function on Saturday night was very memorable, not only for the being given the opportunity to celebrate with our friends, but also made special through the efforts of the two ladies (Patsy and Many) that responsible for the table decorations – a truly stunning job! I think our two birthday members (Lynn and Donovan) must thank their lucky stars that they had such a smashing birthday party… on the house, nogal.

In closing, we also had some sadness in our Chapter to reflect on. We have lost two members during the year. We really take our hats off to Bruce that despite his own massive personal loss, he still managed to lead the Chapter and his committee through the last few formalities of the year. We shall all miss Ammi and hopefully 2024 will provide us with many opportunities to live up to her spirit.

More photos to follow... just dealing with some technical issues...

Route 62 Charity Drop Ride – Sunday 12 November 2023

We were please to have such a good turnout for this event… 10 bikes and a KIA bakkie. Bags and Sean joined us for lunch… so all in all 12 bikes! What a great ride it was – it is such a humbling experience to see these those folks at these charity institutions and the delight on their faces in welcoming a noisy bunch of bikers. Our first stop was at the BRAM Care Centre in Ashton, essentially a palliative care organization. A small mountain of much needed medical supplies was handed over by Gideon and Lynn (in Lisa’s absence) and after a few short speeches, we were treated to energy drinks and energy bars – much needed sustenance after the ride there.

Our second stop was at the Huis Le Roux Home for the Elderly in Robertson. I remarked on the happy atmosphere on the faces of the staff present during the hand-over and the matron replied that Robertson is far too beautiful a place to be depressed – very true words!

The perfect day ended with a perfect meal under the trees at the Four Cousins Restaurant where we also had a surprise visit from the Breede River Chapter and our mates from the Winter Rally. A very special thanks must go out to the Route 62 organizers for donating this money and to Lisa for arranging everything…. And yes, also to the suffering that Ivor had to endure driving the KISA bakkie there and back. See you all at the Year End Function…


A huge thanks to everyone that managed to make it to our charity ride on Sunday - despite some celebrations deep into the night before after our wonderful Springbok world cup win! Our Charity Officer, Lisa, worked for several months with the CIT Restheaven Home for the aged in Strand to find out what they most need and put together the following list of items that was handed over by Gideon:

  • A diagnostic set

  • 10 x wheelchair

  • eggbox cushions

  • 20kg washing powder

  • 2 x big blenders for Angus

  • 2 x medicine trolleys

Despite some gale force winds, the group also made their way up to Grabouw where they enjoyed a nice lunch at the Houwhoek Hotel (The favourite place for bosses with their secretaries according to Bruce - not sure hoewhe knows this??)

West Coast Rally 2023 Feedback

A small group from the FCCT (Liza, Lynn, Glynda, Donovan, Hilton and Francois) decided to support the West Coast Rally this year. We were a bit sceptical about what to expect but it turned into a real fun-filled weekend. Although the ride there was relatively short, some of us made it a bit longer by detouring through Darling for the compulsory milkshakes at Tannie Evita’s Peron. It was a scorching hot day and the ice-cold beers on arrival in Saldanha were most welcome (and nicer than the milkshakes) It was also nice meeting up with old friends from the Durban Free Chapter.

The next day consisted of several outride destinations and it being the West Coast, it included all those quant little places such as Paternoster, St Helena and Mykonos. The highlight of the trip was the intense rugby match (Boks versus England) on Saturday night. Being in a tent with a big screen and over one hundred fellow Harley riders, was a great way to support our team – I just wish next time they won’t make is such a nail-biter. (If not, I will start supporting the ‘other kant’) None of us featured in the dealership draw for the bike but Glynda at least had the honour of sitting on it. All in all, a nice weekend with great friends…

Breakfast ride to Fishermans Garden

Small group joined on a beautiful summers day for a ride to Kommetjie



On 1st October we held our annual memorial ride for all the members no longer with us.We had a great turnout at the meeting venue after which we proceeded to Table Mountain drive past cable car where we stopped for a short remembrance with a passage red by Tim and a prayer led by Gideon.Thereafter all proceeded through hectic traffic to Hout Bay for a well-deserved lunch.

To all who are now riding heavenly Harleys in the sky "YOU ARE GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTON"......ride hard till we meet again!!!!

Die Stalle Rawsonville

So due to the Winter Rally in Oudtshoorn with a lot of our chapter attending we decided to do a lunch ride the week before the normal and there were 11 intrepid souls that met on Sun 20 Aug for a lunch ride. Fortunately no rain but very cold. Great venue with a great lunch. On the return journey some of us stopped for the traditional pink milkshakes.....good ride!

Summer is near…yet so far!

Our ride on Sunday started wet and cold following a taste of summer the week before…but alas! The clement weather did not deter the brave riders from our Free Chapter and we had a really fantastic turnout of twenty-one riders… that is if we can include the three trikes as legitimate riders? The ride took us through the lovely countryside of the Swartland and with the yellow-green Canola fields stretching from horizon to horizon, we soon forgot the weather. The breakfast venue chosen by Glynda was also a winner. Stuck hallway up the Bothmanskloof Pass, the 8 Feet restaurant offers stunning views overlooking the lush Riebeek Valley and the picturesque town of Riebeek Kasteel. The breakfast menu also did not disappoint with many in the group braving the breakfast pizza’s – basically a pizza with two fried eggs and some bacon on top – weird but delicious I was told.

Much to Bruce’s delight, the pack stayed together (well, mostly so…) for the ride home. The Somerset West clan peeled off at the N1, so I cannot vouch for the possibility of the rest stopping for pink milkshakes but even if not, it was great to stay in a pack and well worth it as with the improved weather and equally nice countryside past Hermon was a fitting end to a really great ride. Stay safe all and do not despair about what feels like a really lengthy Cape winter – this too shall pass!

What happens in Barrydale stays in Barrydale…

What a magnificent turnout of support from our Chapter! I was going to rub in the FOMO factor but alas, I do not think there were many that did not make it. We certainly dominated the event in numbers and probably in party spirit too. Harleydale, the Sequel 2023 was a two-nighter this year and started on Friday in the beer garden of the Karoo Art Hotel with some good music and even some entertainment by the drummies from the local old age home. The weather was perfect and allowed us to have a relaxed and hearty catchup with our Free Chapter mates. Later we retired in two groups for dinner at the local restaurants… Bags led the better-behaved team to some great French dining while Bruce accompanied the hooligan crowd to the local Bisto where things started civilized but ended up less so after many rounds of shooters – but enough said… whatever happened in the Bistro will stay in the Bistro!

The highlight of day two was the mass ride from Ronnie’s Sex Shop and again, the turnout was great. I did not count but there must have been well over 200 Harleys roaring into town, guided by a Rolls Royce with our very own Queen Lisa waving royally to the local peasants from the back seat. More music and beer in the afternoon followed by yet again, a great dinner at the Karroo Daisy Restaurant… this time as a single large group and much better behaved.

I guess the lowlight of the weekend was the loss of the Springboks to the All Blacks but for those who overcame their babalas from the night before to meet for the game at the local pub, the good breakfast and welcome coffee (not possible at our B&B’s due to load shedding) made up for the disappointment of the game.

The Harleydale event should become an annual institution for our Chapter and hopefully next year even the few FOMO candidates can join in the fun and camaraderie. See you all next year!!!


Sunday’s Lunch Ride - The Cape Doctor Versus the Harley Bunch

This winter is particularly determined to keep bike riders at home but as our bunch of hardy members proved again on Sunday (25th of June), that not even a Black Southeaster whipping on both the Atlantic and the False Bay side of the Cape Peninsula, is going to put us off. Mr Mike carefully chose a route via Camps Bay and then over the scenic Constantia Neck to keep us shielded from the worst that nature can throw at us. As always, the winding route over the mountain at Ou Kaapse Weg was also a treat with all the beautiful Fynbos and spectacular views. Descending into Simonstown was a bit more hairy with all our heads bobbing in the strong headwind. Lunch at the Black Marlin also brought some unexpected entertainment when a determined baboon decided to enter the restaurant and join some overseas visitors for lunch – nothing that a fearless car-guard with a sjambok could not sort out… Once again, thanks to those who made it to the ride.

Sunday Ride – Gorillas in the Mist


The ride on Sunday the 10th of June commenced with an early, cold and damp meeting at the Engen on the N7. Some of us had to leave before sunrise for the 8am get together and thus did not really know what the weather was planning to do. A few smidges of sunlight as the sun rose over the mountains promised of a nice day but our hopes were quickly dashed by the thick layer of mist moving in from the Cold Benguela Current. With the roars of our Harleys somewhat muted by the mist, we braved the way north to Darling. Evita se Perron was a nice little cultural walk back down the memory lane of the previous political era… The hot coffees were most welcome and food was good too. Soon we were on our way again, everyone scattering in different directions much to Bruce’s dismay. (We really should all try and support his call to do the return rides as a group too) But all in all, a most enjoyable outing!

Lunch Ride to Kleinmond on Sunday, the 28th of May

The Cape winter weather is not for the feint-hearted and is mostly not favourable to us weekend warriors on our Harleys. But now and then, the weather gods have mercy and they were particularly kind to us on Sunday. Following some miserable cold and raining days, we woke up to a lovely sunny Sunday… ideal for a memorable lunch ride with friends. We had a good turnout given that some of our brethren are gallivanting through France. Mr Mike and his marshals led our pack up and over Sir Lowrey’s Pass and through the Grabouw area to Kleinmond for a beautiful ride. The destination in Kleinmond, the Sandown Blues, was also a perfect choice! The way home via the picturesque Clarens Drive was a fitting end to a very enjoyable day. As a cherry on the cake, on the way home we made a pitstop at The Pitstop for some pink milkshakes. (The Pitstop is also a definite potential future Sunday ride destination – Glynda, take note) Till next time then…


Sunday  14 May (Mothers Day)

Another great ride to Ou Meul in Rawsonville for breakfast.Only 8 of us braved what was a great day except for the howling wind going over the pass.Great food and company and on our return we breathed life into an old tradition of the "Pink Milkshake" stop.

Sunday 30 April

Great weather and a good ride to Dockside cafe in Club Mikonos

Free Chapter Bloemfontein 85# Rally

And a good time was had by all!

Lunch ride – Sunday 30 April 2023

Seven of us gathered at one of our usual staring points – the Total garage on the R27 for our ride to Dockside Café & Lounge, Langebaan. 

We were very warmly welcomed by Anna-Marie JC le Roux who has owned the restaurant for 19 years and seen it grow from small beginnings of about 20 tables to 120 tables now. Business must be thriving as the restaurant was chock-a-block full over what was a long weekend.

Cape Town weather was kind to us with a most stunningly beautiful day and it was a lovely sight to see the small harbour full of sailing yachts and a few motor cruisers. There were also folk going out on a yacht for a harbour cruise as well as the large motor catamaran taking folk out for a trip around the lagoon. 

The meal was delicious and well worth the 270km ride for lunch – some of us who live in the far reaches of the southern suburbs did more kms. On our return journey via the R45, Hopefield route, we had to detour round a truck and trailer that had jack-knifed across the road – a serious accident with the cab in the ditch on one side of the road. Only bikes could get through (a bit of a struggle for the trike though!) and cars had to make use of a dirt road detour.

A lovely day – many thanks to Marianna and Armelle for organizing the ride. Gideon was taking the lead of the pack and have done an excellent job.

Breakfast Ride to “The Marmalade Cat” Darling

16 April 2023

It was a chilly start to the day as I made my way to our meeting point at the Total Garage West Coast, and the heated grips had their first work out of the year 😊!

We had 18 members who met at the garage including Mandy on her first ride with the Chapter as a pillion!!

As we left the garage the sun was shining and warming up nicely with no wind and we made our way up the West Coast Road with the big v twins purring away as we ate up the kms.

At Yzerfontein we turned right and headed straight towards Darling and our venue the Marmalade cat. After safely parking our bikes, we were seated outside in their nice sunny courtyard.

The very efficient staff were quick to take our drink and food orders as they were trying to beat the load shedding My full breakfast was delicious I must say, and the coffee was also very nice.

After breakfast some of our members stayed for some retail therapy, others made their own way home, the remainder made their way back to Cape Town via Malmesbury and the N7 and I made my way back to SW via Stellenbosch.

Thanks to the marshals for getting us there safely and to Marianna and Armelle for the great venue.

Ivor Wills


26 MARCH 2023

For our last ride for March we had 10 members who met us at our meeting point at the Greek Club. Malcolm met us at the venue because (he lives just down the road 😊!) as well as Patsy and Mandy.

It was a slow ride for us as we made our way through Sea point, Clifton, Camps Bay and Hout Bay. We then made our way up and over Constantia Nek, towards Constantia, and then up and over Ou Kaapse Weg to Kommetjie.

We all made our way safely to the venue, parked our bikes and met Malcolm who had made the long trip from Simons Town to Kommetjie 😊

When we arrived, the venue was basically empty but when we left the venue was buzzing with all the locals enjoying a sunny lunchtime with chilled music. I was tempted to stay if I wasn’t on the bike as the draught beer looked delicious 😊!

After lunch some of us made our own way home whilst the rest of us rode back over Ou Kaapse Weg and home.

Thanks to the marshals for getting us there safely and to Armelle for choosing the great venue!

Just a note to the fine’s mistress Liza 😊- Sean forgot his colours when we met at the Greek Club and phoned his dear wife to bring them for him 😊 (that’s service !)

Ivor Wills. 

As a large portion of our members were away attending the 2 Passes Rally, there were a couple (11) of us diehards that went for an enjoyable ride and breakfast at Fairview in Paarl.Great venue, good breakfast and a good time was had by all

FCCT lunch ride to Shark Bay Hotel Langebaan

26 February 2023


My ride to our meeting point at the Total Garage Melkbos was somewhat wind assisted and I knew it would be a different story on our return journey 😊.

It was a low turnout for a lunch ride with only 12 members meeting up at the venue. Due to load shedding at our prospective destination, and hence a limited menu available (what no chips!!!!), we were undecided as to whether to go, or head off to an alternative venue, but after discussing it amongst ourselves we decided to stick to the Shark Bay Hotel.

Due to work commitments Kevin & Vani and Bob & Selina only joined us for part of the ride so when we arrived at our destination, we were down to 8 members!

After safely parking our bikes, we were warmly greeted by the manager and shown to our rather large table with a stunning view of the lagoon!

Despite the load shedding the menu choice was varied, but with no chips, eisbein, fried fish and calamari possible, Mr Mike and I chose a rather healthy grilled chicken salad 😊, Bags, Noel and Armelle went for the veggie curry, Liza the pan-fried fish and salad, Tipi the pasta and Donovan a burger.

I must say all the food and the service was first class and we will definitely be back . After lunch and a photo shoot on the balcony it was time to face the wind 😊, and boy was it windy - with a strong head wind I could see my fuel gauge dropping as I made my way back to the ‘West!

Thanks to Mr Mike, who was on Riana’s small bike due to his puncture, and Liza for getting us there safely and to Armelle for all the last minute venue arrangements.

Ivor Wills.




Well, after a break of 2 years due to the Covid restrictions, the Route 62 Rally was back with a bang and bigger and better than ever ! This was the 15th year of the Route 62 Rally and judging by the number of early registrations the Harley fraternity had certainly missed the biggest Harley only rally in Africa.

The Avalon Springs Hotel had just finished a revamp of all the external areas, including all new pools and landscaping, and it is a big improvement.

We started our set up early on Tuesday the 7th and by Wednesday evening the 8th we were ready to welcome nearly 700 Harley riders from all over SA , Namibia and even France & Germany. We must thank all the staff at the hotel who helped us with the set up and made the event possible.

The rally started with a pool party on the Thursday night with music by Sean, our DJ (and he can sing!), while we all relaxed in the pools with something cold. Friday morning at 7am it was time for the traditional wake up of Thunder Struck to get us all in the mood 😊

Our mystery outride took us out to Swellendam and then up and over the picturesque Tradouw pass and on to Barrydale for some refreshments, and then back to the rally site.

Friday night was party night with music from Tuxedo and the Klawer Sisters which certainly got everyone in the party mood as they danced the night away. The hotel served pasta to those people who had bought tickets, or there was delicious food on offer from the Grumpy Greek or some delicious curry, rice and samoosas.

Saturday morning there were some sore heads as people started to surface after a heavy night with some looking worse than others 😊! Saturday morning is always the highlight for the townsfolk as we have our mass ride through the town. This year, despite the sweltering 41 deg temps, it was well supported by our riders and the people of Montagu came out in numbers to greet us.

After the mass ride and a swim in the cold pool it was time for the Harley games and Karoo Bike Show which is always popular. The men were outclassed in the Harley games with 2 female riders from Namibia taking all the prizes and the bike show was very well supported with some beautiful Harleys on display .

Saturday night it was time for the hotel to serve their buffet style meal which was delicious! It can’t have been easy to serve nearly 700 people but they pulled it off. After supper it was speech time, prize giving and the raffle draw with some superb prizes up for grabs. I must congratulate those lady members who did such a great job selling the raffle tickets, and to our charity officer Lisa and her daughter Nicci who ran our FCCT stall for the weekend. Once the final figures are in we will communicate to the members how much we will be able to spend on our charitable causes in the Montagu area.

On Sunday morning a lot of the riders from up country started heading home bright and early. Most of the team and some other FCCT members were also early birds, packing up the rally site, and with the help of the hotel staff too we were all packed up by lunchtime and ready to head home! 😊

Congrats to all involved in making this such a successful rally!





For our first ride of 2023 the Cape Doctor was in fine form as I made my way, “wind assisted”, to Cape Town. The wind abated slightly as I arrived at the Greek Club and we had 16 hardy members for the ride, as well as Barry Katz, who we picked up on Chappies, and Enid and Alan who met us at the venue.Our head road captain was unavailable so our “Hoof Meisie” Liza was upfront. It was a beautiful sunny day as we made our way through Sea Point, Camps Bay and Houtbay to the picturesque Chapmans Peak drive.After paying our fees, which was quite tricky for some as their money was blown out of their hand (Lynn) 😊, we made our way up the Drive and stopped for a photo call with the beautiful Houtbay as a backdrop. We continued our ride up and over Chappies, on through Noordhoek, Ocean View and then back towards Misty Cliffs, Scarborough and Cape Point The wind had picked up slightly with the odd gust to keep us awake but the big v-twins handled it with ease. We all made it safely to Simons Town and into the venue. The restaurant was buzzing with tourists when we arrived and I must say the service and the food was excellent.After saying our goodbyes it was time to make our way back home. Unfortunately someone left their lights on and had to be jump started (Paul Wiesenberg 😊) Take note fine’s master !Our return route was up and over Ou Kaapse Weg and then we all went our separate ways. Thanks to Marianna and Armelle for another excellent venue and to Liza for getting us there safely.Ivor Wills.

Captain’s Ride at Cape Winelands Business Villas

Sunday 15 January   The FCCT new year started with a bang as we gathered for our annual “Captain’s Ride” hosted by our very own Road Captain, Mr Mike, and his assistant Riana 😊. The venue was at the Cape Winelands Business Villas owned by Riana’s son, and what a nice venue it was, with its lush green lawns, a sparkling pool and plenty of shade under the trees, umbrellas and Bedouin tents as well as in the indoor bar area.

The food for the day was a delicious lamb on the spit and chicken on the braai as well as roast potatoes, pasta salad, green salad, garlic bread and roosterkoeok (yum) followed by malva pudding and custard, with a flower on top 😊! There was a cash bar available for those who didn’t bring their own. I was DD for the day, so it was alcohol free for me which wasn’t nice ☹ although good job I did as we came across a road block as we turned off the N1! It was nice to catch up with everyone after the holidays and swop a few stories. Thanks to Mr Mike & Riana for all their hard work, and to Roeloff for letting us use his beautiful venue.

Year-End Function - Shelley Point

26th - 27th November 2022

The highlight of the year for our FCCT family was our year end function which was held at the luxurious Shelley Point Hotel & Spa in St Helena Bay.  The weather forecast was good for our ride to the venue although it was a little windy, but most of our ride was actually wind assisted from behind us.

Our meeting point was the Total garage in Melkbos, and we had a good turnout of bikes and a few members in cages for various reasons 😊 After a quick coffee and some scones it was time to put the stands up and head out onto the West Coast Road.

Our lunch stop was the Engen Wimpy at the Langebaan turning, for some good old junk food to line our stomachs before the party 😊. We all parked our bikes safely at the garage, apart from Lynn Stols, who is unfortunately the new holder of the “Shit Happens Cup” after horizontally parking her bike.

After lunch it was time to continue our journey up the West Coast to St Helena Bay. Our head road captain was a bit unsure of directions as we neared the venue, but Jan Palm was on hand to lead us the last part of the journey through Stompneus bay to St Helena.

We all made it safely to the venue and we were joined by a few more members so we were 40 strong. I must admit the rooms and the amenities at the hotel were superb and I couldn’t fault anything, and after checking in to our rooms some of us headed to the bar to quench our thirsts and enjoy some snacks.

After a few more beers it was time to freshen up for the evening function, the format for which was a buffet style dinner with various offerings of fish, salad, breads, meat and veggies followed by delicious desserts. During the evening meal the fines master was out to make as much money as possible for charity 😊. Some of our members had to open their wallets for various indiscretions throughout the year which had been noted by our Hoof Meisie and fines master Liza 😊 .  Thereafter our charity officer, Lisa, raffled off some awesome prizes which had been either donated or purchased by the chapter. The recipients of the prizes were Sean, Armelle, Riana and our Director himself! A total of R5300 was raised towards next year’s charity coffers. Thank you all!!

After a delicious supper, we all relaxed and listened to DJ Kevin and his boombox until it was bedtime for most of us, apart from some people who couldn’t even find their room (Mr. Mike)

Breakfast was bright and early from 07h30 so myself and Lisa quickly went to find our charity venue and then made our way for back for breakfast which was a delicious buffet style, with a choice of fresh fruits, cereals, juices and the traditional eggs, bacon and various other delicious offerings.

After breakfast, before we headed home, we made our way to our charity handover which was organized by Lisa. The kid’s charity for this year was “Die Sardyntjies Dagsorg“ in Stompneus Bay. This facility is owned and run by Jo-Ann, and she was so overwhelmed by our generosity as we arrived armed with a present for every child at the school which will be handed out at their Christmas party this coming Friday. Please follow them on Facebook to see the amazing work they do and have a look at the pictures and video on the FCCT Facebook page.

It was then time to head home as a group, via the same West Coast Road, with the wind against us this time, but much lighter than Saturday’s wind. Thanks to Marianna and Armelle for another great venue and to the marshals for getting us there safely.

Wishing all our members a peaceful holiday period and we look forward to another great year with great rides and great friends.

Ivor Wills


Red Cross Childrens Hospital Christmas Party

Friday 25th November 2022

On Friday 25th some total of 30 odd Harleys from all clubs gathered on Rondebosch Common for the annual kiddies ride. Free Chapter was well represented and were asked to marshal the ride to the hospital cancer unit. We arrived en mass and with a few of the riders including Bob took some of the kiddies for rides around the parking lot. Thereafter we joined the kids for a Xmas party on the lawn were presents donated by the bikers as well as goodies to eat and drink, were handed out to each child. 

This was once again one of those “Feel Good’ moments. We will be back next year. 

Annual Memorial Ride - Shunting Shed, Bot River

13th November 2022

Once again, the weather gods were smiling on FCCT as the weather forecast for the day was perfect for riding our memorial ride to the “Shunting Shed “at Bot River.

As this was a lunch ride, we took the scenic route and our meeting place was the Engen N1. It was nice to see the ride well supported with 23 people meeting up at the starting point and a further 7 people meeting at the venue.

After a short briefing we headed out onto the N1 and then off at Butterfly World towards Stellenbosch. We then took a left turn and headed up and over Helshoogte Pass towards Drakenstein, turned right onto the R45 and made our way towards Franschhoek and then up and over the beautiful Franschhoek Pass. We stopped on the Theewaterskloof dam bridge for a photo and video shoot by our photographer for the day, Kevin 😊.

Time was marching on, so we had to cancel our coffee stop and head straight to Grabouw and the N2 via the picturesque Elgin Valley. We all made it up and over the Viljoen’s Pass and safely onto the N2 and then over another pass, the Houhoek Pass, 4 passes in 1 day 😊!

We all arrived safely at the Shunting Shed and parked our rolling stock in the siding next to the railway track.

I must say the venue is a very interesting place with all sorts of railway memorabilia from days gone by. After settling into our tables etc., Gideon said a few words as we remembered those brothers and sisters we have lost over the years and then observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect.

We ordered some drinks and then the food, table by table, but I think 30 people arriving as well as the other patrons took them by surprise as the food started arriving very slowly for some people - I could hear Mr Mikes tummy rumbling on the next table 😊! The food, when it arrived, was very tasty and I couldn’t fault anything.

As time was marching on some of our members made their way home soon after lunch with the remaining members riding back as a group via the N2 to Cape Town.

Thanks to the marshalls for getting us all there safely and to Marianna and Armelle for yet another superb venue. Congratulations must also go to “Bags “for negotiating 4 passes in 1 day perfectly, although he did say he would need a change of underwear 😊 !

Ivor Wills.
